Friday, April 18, 2008

I've been tagged!

I'll do it, but just for you, Tara!

Six random facts about me.

1. I have over 60 first cousins.

2. My nickname is from the novel Anna Karenina, which I've never finished reading (sorry, Mom).

3. I am allergic to shellfish; I wasn't for the first 20 years of my life, so I know what I'm missing!

4. I don't have a favorite flower. I like them all.

5. The words "cookie dough" were used in my wedding ceremony.

6. I am on a new roller derby team here in Jacksonville, NC. (I can't skate backwards, but I can go forward really fast!)

1 comment:

Tara said...

"can't skate backwards"...oh thank you for the mental picture!!! so funny!!! hope it's going well!