Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summer vacation!

Today is the last day of school for my son, who has been counting the days since April. In just 5 days, he'll be leaving for his first foray into summer camp. He'll be going to a wonderful program run by the NC Autism Society, and spending 5 nights at a sleepaway camp. He's not even 7 years old yet, but this is an opportunity that you snatch up while you can.
My son has always made the most progress when he is challenged to do new and sometimes scary things. Likewise, my husband and I have always made the most progress with him when we make ourselves not baby him. Autism has made him young-at-heart, and sometimes young emotionally, but we have to push him out of the nest sometimes. And watch him fly.
He always lands on his feet.

Am I nervous? You bet. Is my son? I'm not sure, but he's already told me what I need to pack for his "summer camp". And I will probably sit on his bed every day while he is gone and cry. A little because I miss him, but mainly because I am so proud.


Tara said...

Sounds like it will be a great experience for all of you guys!!!

Tara said...

Tag...you're it!http://taraintheatl.blogspot.com/2008/06/tag-im-it.html